There’s little virtue in politics or sports talk

I’ve been all alone out here in this country for decades. My friends are like my extended family.
I know all of you don’t get along with each other at times. Family is like that.
But I’m asking, praying, and if I have to.. I’m begging. Please bring your best version of yourself to these events.
This is a spiritual thing for me. It’s out of love. Not money, clout, or whatever people incorrectly think it might be about. I love you all. I believe in you all. Even those who have been ousted, I believe in your learning and redemption. I do.
I have a short list of people that I currently refuse to associate with. It’s mostly because I’m waiting for change.
I used to cut people off for life. I don’t do that anymore. I forgive people, mostly for self-serving reasons.
Why reflect anything but positivity if you can help it? If you’re not part of the solution, then you’re part of the problem they say. I will always be learning. I am always changing and doing my best to better myself, so I can help others.
So that being said, may we celebrate our differences instead of being led to fight about them? Can we rename social justice warrior to social mediation educator?
Could we unite in the United States and stop falling to being divided and polarized? May we stop demonizing each other based on each other’s private parts or skin pigmentation and calling it progress?
Is it possible to stop being offended for people who do not look like you, and who’s struggles you have not had?
Is it possible to stop doubling down and being more offensive because you were criticized about something that you felt was trivial?
Perhaps it was, perhaps it was purported. Sure. But why be extra? That’s on you. Please rethink how one reacts to being attacked if you actually want peace.
Would it be remotely possible to simply ask someone for a hug if you need attention instead of finding a flaw or inventing one if you can’t find one so you can call it out on social media?
Could we all you know? See each other in person, dance our asses off, and remember why we enjoyed people for their redeeming qualities in the first place?